The ABCs of Price Risk Hedging


  The ABCs of Price Risk Hedging

  The book will enrich their understanding of daily brokerage operations and processes.

  The ABCs of Price Risk Hedging is the perfect book for brokers who want to establish a consistent process of educating employees on the mechanics of the FX/CFD market, daily brokerage operations, and risk management.

  After going through the basics, the book tackles more complex subjects and various essential nuanced terms. Through examples accompanied by graphs, figures, and tables, your employees will get a clear understanding of what happens on the brokers side when a trader places an order.

  I‘ve been accumulating expertise in trading technology for over ten years, developing trading software for brokerages worldwide. This wouldn’t be possible without a thorough understanding of daily brokerage struggles.

  I decided to address them by sharing my expertise through this book created with the help of Devexperts, a financial software development firm serving brokers and exchanges for already 20 years.

  How Can FX/CFD Brokers Improve Daily Operations With This Book?

  You have numerous ways to use this book. That said, I initially wanted to create educational material for brokerage staff. Every company has employee turnover and spends substantial time, money, and effort on educating new employees.

  When it comes to brokerages, this especially concerns dealing desk brokers and Level 1 support engineers.

  With The ABCs of Price Risk Hedging, you wont have to waste any more time on creating and keeping your educational materials up-to-date. The book is a great resource for bridging knowledge gaps and stepping up adaptation.

  It already features every piece of information youll need to comprehensively educate your employees.

  The book will enrich their understanding of daily brokerage operations and processes. Support engineers will no longer be startled by trader inquiries.

  Next time a trader calls the support line, your employees will be ready to answer their questions without needing to redirect to other specialists.

  Whether a client asks if the brokerage sends their orders to market, why a bid-ask spread has become wider or tighter, or the reasoning behind prices and slippage, your support engineers will be able to explain all the ins and outs of the FX market.

  So, if the support line can efficiently settle your clients‘ queries, it’ll be a win-win situation for all. Traders will have a positive customer experience, and support engineers—good performance. This will give an overall boost to your brokerages credibility.

  Even More Benefits

  You can also leverage the book as a proficiency checklist to hold interviews with candidates for middle or senior positions. We suggest using the contents on page 3 for this.

  On top of all that, the book can educate your traders by surfacing the OTC space. Your brokerage will gain more transparency and trust if traders know how it operates and the essence of its business.

  In that regard, it‘s important to note that The ABCs of Price Risk Hedging doesn’t teach traders to manage risk exposure and doesnt give financial advice.

  Get the Book for Free via Email

  The ABCs of Price Risk Hedging is a great resource for learning, as it dives straight into explaining the mechanics of the FX/CFD market without any bias or marketing fluff. Whether you‘re a broker, a trader, or a skilled professional, you’ll find the book helpful in many ways.

  You can enjoy this book as a PDF, but its also great printed and distributed among your employees. Download it here.


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