Olymp Trade introduces Fractional Units, a unique feature that enhances the opportunities of SPT mode traders.
It enables them to purchase a portion of a stock instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a full share.
Fractional Units will become available starting January 31 in conjunction with the start of the Lunar New Year celebration on the platform. Therefore, its participants will be the first to test the new feature in practice. Apart from this exciting opportunity, the event brings many benefits including gifts and bonuses.
With Fractional Units, Olymp Traders will be able to make investment decisions based on the amount they have rather than on the market price of a whole share. It gives anyone a chance to dabble in trading the stock market regardless of the size of their investment capital.
On the platform, the feature will be located in the Stock Price Trade tab. Go to Assets Stock PT, select an asset, and enter the quantity you want to purchase in the Buy window. The list of available companies includes Alibaba, Tesla, Apple, Disney, Facebook, Google, Nike, Netflix, Oracle, Pfizer, and Nvidia.
Fractional Units: Main Benefits
Today, many traders want to invest in fast-growing companies like Tesla or Google. The problem is that such stock may be two zeroes out of their budget. Here's where the Fractional Units feature comes in handy. Check out how it works on the Olymp Trade platform.
In the classic SPT mode, you trade on instruments with stock market shares as underlying assets. The instrument of your choice is traded at the market price of the corresponding stock. Therefore, a whole unit might be rather expensive.
Due to the Fractional Units feature, your minimum purchase amount does not depend on the market price of a unit (the underlying stock), and you can purchase as little as 0.01 of a share if you wish.
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