How to Avoid Burning Trading Account?

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  All forex traders know that the currency market is one of the most volatile and volatile. Trading involves risk, and many traders end up blowing their trading accounts. Trading account blowouts are more prevalent than you believe.

  This article will teach you how to avoid blowing up your forex trading account and how to recover from a blow up and get back on track to becoming a profitable and successful trader.

  Blow A Forex Account


  Blowing a forex account implies losing all of your funds. No trader wants to lose money. If it's happened to you, you've probably felt nauseous, frustrated, or helpless. Maybe you were ready to give up.

  The truth is that most novice and even expert forex traders encounter this predicament when they treat forex as a hobby rather than a company. Lack of discipline, cowboy trading, not following the game plan, and revenge trading are major causes of margin calls. To make money in the market, especially day trading, you must take some losses.

  How to Avoid Trading Account Bloat

  Here are five tips to avoid losing money in a volatile market:

  Maintain a Stop loss

  Many traders enter a trade with one goal in mind: profit. They don't contemplate the risk of loss. Stop losses allow traders to minimise their losses if prices fall against their trades. If a decrease is noticed, a stop loss ensures no trades go through.

  Many traders fail to implement stop losses while trading forex, which is a huge mistake. This is also why most rookie forex traders lose money. Remember: don't take unnecessary risks!

  2. Know your trades

  Learn about key market indicators and trends. They are the backbone of the currency market. If you want to be a successful forex trader, do your homework. Without understanding market attitudes and conditions, many traders lose money.

  3. Set reasonable goals

  You won't become wealthy overnight. Instead, make achievable weekly, monthly, and annual goals. Be humble and don't expect unreasonable things. In the end, you're taking too much risk for your own good.

  4. Monitor your moods

  If you trade, you will gradually realize how crucial it is to control your emotions. Emotional trading is a recipe for catastrophe. Never base decisions on fear, anxiety, over-estimated risk, or market hype. These choices lead to hasty acts, overtrading, or trading avoidance.

  5. Keep a notebook

  Many traders lose money because they never figure out what's wrong. They repeatedly commit the same mistakes, reducing their account worth to zero. That's why a trading journal is vital.

  Writing down and evaluating your previous transactions can allow you to spot trends of what is working and what isn't.

  Fix a Blown Trading Account

  If you have a blown account, follow these four steps to recover it:

  1. Accept loss

  Accepting the loss of an account is the only way to truly move on. Some traders let the negative thoughts set in, believing they will never be good enough to regularly profit. Successful traders know that trading involves risk. They also recognize that while losing money isn't ideal, it is a possibility for each trader.

  It's more common than you believe. Instead of stressing out, learn from your failures. Accepting your losses is the first step.

  2. Examine your bl

  After acknowledging your loss, you'll need to investigate what went wrong. The best traders learn from their mistakes, so go over each trade carefully.

  Probably in your trading journal. That is, providing you had one and were disciplined enough to record every trade you made.

  3. Return to Demo

  Demo trading allows you to work on issues that blew your account without risking any additional money. This step can also help ease you back into real trading while increasing your confidence if you have good results.

  4. Create a Trading Account.

  When you're ready, phone a broker. Open a new account with the money you can afford to lose. The trick is to learn from your mistakes, practice, and implement them without letting money emotions rule. If you do this, you will become more profitable and consistent in the future.


  Many reasons cause traders to blow up their accounts. Don't be sad since you blew an account. Instead of being discouraged, see it as a fresh start. Rather than resenting the loss, try to see it as an investment in your trading knowledge.

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