Beginner’s guide: Best Currency Pairs to Trade in 2022

What Is Forex Currency Trading?


Most Popular Currencies in the Forex Market

  • The U.S. Dollar (USD):The U.S. dollar, also known as the greenback, is the most traded currency in the world of forex trading. U.S. dollars can be found in pairs with all major currencies, often serving as the intermediator in triangular currency transactions. US Dollar (USD) is called the greenback because it serves as the unofficial global reserve currency, held by most central banks and institutional investors worldwide.

  • The Euro (EUR):The Euro (EUR) is now the second most traded currency behind the USD. Besides being the official currency in most eurozone countries, the euro is also paired with many currencies in Europe and Africa, for the same reason that currencies are pegged to the dollar. The euro is therefore the worlds second-largest reserve currency.

  • The Japanese Yen (JPY):Japans yen is the most traded currency in Asia, and many observers view it as a good proxy for the underlying strength of its manufacturing and export-driven economy. Forex traders use the yen as a gauge of the health of the Pan-Pacific region as well, considering South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand, given these currencies are traded much less on global forex markets.

  • The Great British Pound (GBP):The Great British pound (GBP), also called the pound sterling, is the fourth most traded currency worldwide. The Bank of England is the central bank for the British pound. As a result of the GBPs high value relative to its peers, it serves as a benchmark currency for many countries and a very liquid component of the forex market. Due to its historically high relative value, the GBP also acts as a large reserve currency.

  • The Australian Dollar (AUD):The Australian dollar is a key currency in Asia-Pacific. The AUD is considered to be acommodity currency, which can be affected by price shifts in some of Australias major exports. The AUD-USD trading pair accounts for 6.37% of global forex volume, outpacing both the Swiss Franc and Canadian Dollar.

  • The Canadian Dollar (CAD):Also known as the loonie, the Canadian dollar is a commodity currency, which means that it is closely tied to commodities markets, such as crude oil, precious metals, and minerals. The loonie often reacts to movements in underlying commodity prices, especially crude oil prices. Traders often trade the Canadian dollar to speculate on the movement of commodities or to hedge positions.

  • Swiss Franc (CHF):The Swiss franc (CHF), which is the seventh most traded currency worldwide. The Swiss franc (CHF) is also consideredone of the safest assets in the world, as well as one of the most traded currencies on the forex market. Governments and financial institutions hold CHF as a hedge against the volatility of many types of investments and markets.

  • New Zealand Dollar (NZD):The New Zealand Dollar (NZD) is the official currency of the island nation of New Zealand. Originally pegged to the US dollar, the ‘Kiwi’ NZD now floats freely on the forex market and is one of the most widely traded currencies worldwide.

  • The Best Currency Pairs to Trade as a Beginner

    Major Currency Pairs — Best for Beginners


    Characteristics of the Major Currency Pairs:

    1. EUR/USD — The Fiber

    2. GBP/USD — The Cable

    3. USD/JPY — The Gopher

    4. USD/CHF — The Swissie

    5. AUD/USD — The Aussie

    6. USD/CAD — The Loonie

    7. NZD/USD — The Kiwi

    Minor and Exotic Forex Currency Pairs

    • EUR/GBP

    • GBP/JPY

    • EUR/CHF

    • USD/CLP — US dollar/Chilean Peso

    • EUR/RUB — Euro/Russian Rouble

    • GBP/SGD — British pound/Singapore dollar

    Factors to consider when picking the best currency pairs to trade

    1. Liquidity & Volatility:

    2. Fundamental and Technical Analysis:

    3. Reliable Trading Platform:

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