How to find fraud trading companies through Wikifx Exposure tool

  Wikifx is one of the online platform where users can find many things related to forex news. Like on Wikifx users can find broker inquiry tool, Wikifx VPS, Wikifx Forum, News, Education, Field Survey, EA content, Forex tools ETC.

  One of the main tool of Wikifx is exposures. Where users can find all scam websites OR trading firms which they doing their business online. Wikifx Exposure tool is one of the best category in Wikifx online platform. Just to show little bit about Wikifx exposure tool. There was a company called “Coinbucex” and it was a scam company where Victims are contacted on Whatsapp, Line, Telegram, IG, Facebook, Linkedin and dating websites and romance is used to lure them in. Eventually scammers talk about investing in crypto and victims are told to go to the website below to invest but once funds are transferred to a wallet the victim can never get their money back.


  But due to Wikifx exposure tool it becomes very easy for users to find legit and orignal company for trading and investments. on Wikifx application users can find Wikifx score system into broker section as well.

  Users also can post about any company which they find fraud OR scam. And expose those websites.

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